Shrift, want me to root for the Ducks and bring them Boston's doofy playoff bad luck by proxy?
The basketball bros are gone, at least, but we're 2OT and I would like to go home sometime soon where there will be blessed silence. So I would be grateful if you did.
Man, I'm just envisioning Chris Chelios screaming "SUPPORT YOUR GOALIE AND CLEAR THE DAMN PUCK!!!" to the Chicago defensemen, possibly while tearing the arms of his seat loose from their moorings.
Thanks, Matt! I'm heading home now.
Ha! Milbury's triple overtime prediction failed to take into account my family's hereditary knack for poisoning playoff chances! (The Cubs don't have a prayer of a World Series win as long as my dad is alive...)
We broke my mother's rental car.
10:45 pm and it sounds like all the boys are asleep. Phew!
Oh Lee, that is an oops! Hope it's something minor.
Well, it no longer goes in reverse.
And yesterday my mother was telling us she was somewhat proud of herself for not getting insurance