Steph, that is lot in a week.
Yay new cat! Yay gay Ireland!
Meara, my vet suggested having a syringe full of water and squirt a bit down their throat. It forces them to swallow.
Oz seems to have diarrhea again. He had it last weekend too. I don't know if it's his real food, (I recently switched his foods.) or if it's something he's eating outside. Otherwise, here hoping he keeps it in the box! Unlike last weekend.
Calli, every damn thing about your post makes me smile. Also, we gotta get together soon so I can get your take on my ex-department (even though it appears to be like 90% people who weren't there when I was there, these days!)
I've tried the dry food, the salmon, the "chicken with gravy"....nothing. He just meows and meows at me like I am punishing him. (He also purrs a lot and winds around my ankles). Normally I have no trouble dosing the kittens--if you grab by the scruff and sorta stick the syringe in the side of their mouth they automatically swallow...except he somehow doesn't and instead spits it out and drools it out. If he's not better tomorrow I'm calling the foster emergency line. :(
Thanks! Amych, I'd be happy to get together some time. Maybe hit Fullsteam for an after work drink?
But damn, I'm glad I finally have a job. And so far the job itself and the people I work with have been great!
That is awesome.
Non-eating kitten of meara, not so much!
Ow, -t!
I had a perfect afternoon: Massage and then got to the movie theater just as the first preview was showing. The good local theater by my house with matinee prices, real butter, and beer! Perfect.
I had lunch with a friend who's in town to see his family for the holiday weekend. Gorgeous weather, so we ate on the patio of a restaurant in my neighborhood. He's one of those people who is gregarious without being overbearing, and has never met a stranger. It was nice catching up with him and just listening to him talk.
And then I've been reading Avengers fanfic since I got home.
We have a Cthulhu-themed party to go to tonight, and I don't have the spoons for it. Well, I have, like, 1 spoon. I can go if I don't have to get dressed up for it, and if I don't have to stay long. Fortunately, it's in our neighborhood, less than a mile away. So I can walk home and Tim can stay as long as his extroverted heart desires.
Maybe I should think of buying a condo or something. The tales of woe of people buying real estate have daunted me, and I have no idea of I could qualify for something like this (I have no downpayment). But my area doesn't have the mindset of an apartment as long term living, and I don't want to be at the mercy of getting my rent jacked up unreasonably. There aren't a lot of tenant protection laws in Utah.
I guess I could go to my bank and see what they think of my chances.
I went to see Mad Max and now I'm in a very loud sports bar downtown watching hockey. SO LOUD. And there are too many Houston Rockets basketball bros in here.
Is it wrong that I'm pleased the Houston Rockets are getting smoked because of these loud and drunk basketball bros? If it's wrong I don't wanna be right.