15 vials! Hope that the information is helpful.
The parent-teachers I know here and in my family have all ended up with their kids at their schools, although out of district. Always a debatable decision for sure, but in the end convenience won out.
We are still hoping to persuade my niece to either switch to her home district school or let her son go to that school. The home district school is a tiny and awesome school. Less than 300 students, K-12. She teaches in a larger school further away. They would love to have her at home school, but since it is so small, and she is a Spanish language teacher, she would have a lot more work with so many different grade levels to prepare for. Where she is now she only has 3 different levels. Kid will be fine either way because both are good schools, but in such a tiny community it would be nice to see him in school with his neighbors.