God, the incompetence of lab people infuriates me. Yes, there are lots of patients with confusing lab work! This means you work harder to make sure the information is there! It's not like they're worried about zits, people, this is their very life!
I have issues about this. I am not in the least ashamed of them.
edit: And if they pretended to at least understand why this is upsetting, it would help. These treatments are carefully choreographed, one person shrugging it off makes the whole thing collapse.
(fuck, it's been a year, no wonder this make me furious)
Augh, Ginger, I hope the good nurse fixes it.
That's all I've got. That and a brewing sinus infection that has me all "I can't feel my face" one minute and "o too much pain wish I couldn't feel my face now". Argh.
Ginger, that's infuriating. How do incompetent careless people end up working in healthcare.
As is often the case, ranting here made it happen, so I'm off.
Yay for the magic of complaining!
I swear that I've actually done some work today around all the informal & formal interview stuff, but if you looked at my outbox, all you'd see is me trolling my team with hockey gifs.
All right. I'm gonna listen to Uptown Funk and then go into another round of interviews.
Have a good infusion, Ginger! I am still infuriated on your behalf, of course, because I wasn't here reading in real-time.
3 hours of presentations start in a few minutes. At least I am not giving one today, but this is gonna be a long afternoon.
My work plans have been somewhat derailed by a call from a sick kid. Daughter is having a migraine aura, so now she's home with me resting. But I will probably leave her alone for a bit and walk up to TJ for a couple things. Oh! which reminds me:
So I was super excited that they offered biltong flavored chips on South African Airways.
Is that the deal with the TJs South African flavored chips? I was unsure. Also, are they good?
Was also wondering if one of you East Coast types could tell me what the deal is with maple water and if I want some. It seems worth trying, but as a California native, I hadn't heard of it before.