Yeah, everyone's so convinced that OMG, the women are totally lying about their ages, and you can totally tell, but... this shit is public record. It's not hard to look up when someone's birth was registered and where in the UK, and CZJ and KKs dates match to what's claimed.
I need to find more supposedly lying UKers so I can confirm or deny and use my powers for gossip.
I guess it was Defamer hole. Still.
Really? I always heard CZJ was shaving years off. Huh. (Given how Keira has been around since she was fairly young, I fee like it would be much harder for her)
I think I found the same Gawker article. It also quotes someone who says her mother went to school with Elizabeth Montgomery, and that she was lying about her age, but she was born in Los Angeles, so the records are easy to find, and her birth was recorded in 1933, exactly when she said she was born.
Really? I always heard CZJ was shaving years off. Huh. (Given how Keira has been around since she was fairly young, I fee like it would be much harder for her)
Same and same.
Good news: I slept all the way to my alarm!
Bad news: The high protein english muffins I got are disgustingly sweet for no reason. And they don't even satisfy me longer! Too bad I bought two packages -- after that, it's back to the regular or fiber ones.
Commencement day: when I get to make all sort of unflattering assumptions about the families of grads as they attempt, usually in expensive cars with out of state plates, to pretend that the signs saying "parking for employees only, no commencement" don't apply to them.
CZJ was also appearing in shows at 12. Hard to fake your age when you were a child star.
It also quotes someone who says her mother went to school with Elizabeth Montgomery, and that she was lying about her age, but she was born in Los Angeles, so the records are easy to find, and her birth was recorded in 1933, exactly when she said she was born.
Maybe she twitched her nose and falsified all the records?
I was too groggy to be trusted with an alarm this morning even though I got more sleep. Oops? I need to talk to a guy in Dublin, meet with an old manager for perspective, and then later I have two interviews.
Good luck!
I don't know what just came over me, but I just put in an application for this cat: [link]