Plei, I'm following someone on Tumblr that I thought was you and now I know it isn't, which is the opposite of the other revelation I had. But if it isn't you, who is it? Hmmm.
I'm some form of Zenkitty everywhere except AO3, where I'm Ashtareth. And Facebook where I'm RealName.
Is there Freecycle in your area?
Freecycle is amazing. They'll take everything, ime.
I've seen people take a bunch of pictures in a storage area and put them in an ad on Craiglist saying "Sale 8-4 Saturday. Make offers."
I'm alivt on Tumblr. I don't blog stuff, mostly reblog things and it's a mix of whatever catches my fancy. It's mostly fannish. I think I had a separate fannish one but I got lazy about logging in and out.
I have pretty much never had a good renting experience, and I have absolutely no tolerance for the noise of strangers, so I am never ever moving from this house. I think there is always going to be things that a seller doesn't disclose and an inspector doesn't find, but so far we have been lucky (knocks on wood) that none of it has been too pricey.
I have not been fully pulled into tumblr yet. So, I don't have an account there, but I do follow several people's tumblrs on feedly.
I'm Calligrafiti on Tumblr.
I've been wondering how to work tumblr without having a phone that does that sort of thing. How does it work with feedly? How do I connect them?
Plei, I'm following someone on Tumblr that I thought was you and now I know it isn't, which is the opposite of the other revelation I had. But if it isn't you, who is it? Hmmm.
I am minim-calibre there! Who are you following who you thought was me?
Whoa, read all the way through on the criminally flipped house account. What a nightmare! Makes my current problems seem small....
My car is making louder and louder noises. I just want it to get me to-and-from Readercon tomorrow and Sunday, and then I should be scheduled for an engine replacement sometime next week!
I am minim-calibre there! Who are you following who you thought was me?
That's who I thought was you! Then I thought I was wrong for some reason.
My friend Mary SanGiovanni wrote a book called
Found You,
which I think is the creepiest book title ever. Now I can't say "Found you!" to anyone anymore without feeling creepy.
I am just now starting to map people's Tumblr names with their usual fandom names.
I need a fucking spreadsheet. And then the infants keep changing their usernames, which is so strange to me.