You know what's disconcerting? Following someone on Tumblr for months, and finally discovering that it's one of your best friends who you didn't know was even on Tumblr.
I follow lots of people on Tumblr and I only know who like three of them actually are. I probably follow some Buffistas and don't even know it. Are a lot of us even on Tumblr?
Happy birthday, Sox!
We are home now. I am so tired that I can't even deal. But I had to. I had to re-order respiratory supplies and then was told we'd been discharged from our enteral supplies so I had to re-call our pediatrician and ask him to help us get a new authorization for enteral supplies. Then I had to speak to Grace's ENT and to schedule another appointment with her for a few weeks.
Sometimes I am just overwhelmed by being a caretaker.
Sometimes I am just overwhelmed by being a caretaker.
Oh yeah. I wish there had been more rest and renewal in your vacation.
Plus a companion goat can butt mean people on command!
I'm back from a good night at Readercon, and in the pleasant place where there are 2.5 more days of cool stuff. Plus, my own bed to sleep in, and the temps are down in the high 60s so it's good sleeping weather!
Sometimes your life is pretty overwhelming, Kat. I hope you can get some good rest tonight. Glad you are home, sorry that the trip was cut short, and especially for the reason it was cut short.
You know what's disconcerting? Following someone on Tumblr for months, and finally discovering that it's one of your best friends who you didn't know was even on Tumblr.
I had that with a close college friend on movie blogs. When we reconnected she mentioned that she had a blog on Bollywood, and I recommended a movie to her. She then informed me that she not only knew the movie but had gone to India and met the director and the star. (Turns out she was probably the biggest blogger on Bollywood movies in America.)
Anyway, then I went back and saw that there were places where we were commenting side by side on another movie blog we both liked.
I'm onTumblr, but I have remarkable consistency of identity on the Internets.
resume knowledge people. I used to firmly stick to the one page rule, but I am now bleeding over onto two and think I should maybe add on another job to get it to a full pay and a half.
Thoughts? I only have 4 jobs on it now. Left off the two part time jobs I worked from 2011 - 2013 and nothing prior to 2007.
also, would love more eyes on it - just my first stab with adding the current job on there.