And quite randomly, the pain (not intense) has travelled also to my ear. Which I've read is a side effect of both toothaches and tension headaches.
Please dear god let it be tendonitis, because it's less expensive and the solution is also less painful and invasive.
Julie, it's also a symptom of TMJ. One thing the TMJ specialist told me that helps is keeping the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. It's weird, but it keeps you from tensing your jaw muscles.
Julie - it also sounds similar to what I went through with my mouth pain. Trigeminal nueralgia. The Lyrica is finally doing its thing and I've had a week of good days!!!
That is excellent news, Suzi!
One thing the TMJ specialist told me that helps is keeping the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
That is a good suggestion. I have been clenching, grinding my teeth lately and this does stop that action.
The Lyrica is finally doing its thing and I've had a week of good days!!!
That is beautiful to hear.
I was feeling made of Fail for most of today for a variety of reasons that I won't go into, but I have salads in jars for lunches and 5 breakfasts in the freezer (or on the counter about to go into the freezer) so I've got that going for me.
Yay Suzi!
ita, I hope you get some pain-free time.
Me, I had a day of ALL ONEROUSNESS. It was my only work-day day off in about a month, and I had a TON of banking & business-type stuff to get through. I think I managed about 60% of it, including an emergency re-enrollment of my dad into his health insurance, which was rolling over into another plan in 3 weeks. I would have gotten more done, but my frelling printer has decided my generic printer cartridge doesn't exist and won't print out the forms I need to sign.
I still need to vacuum. And order curtains. And a printer cartridge.
In other news, I ran 4 miles this morning! o/ I'm not all the way back, but I was able to do it, even if I was lightheaded for most of it, and a bit wobbly on the downhills.
Four miles, woo! Don't hurt yourself trying to come back too fast, now. And 60% is not too shabby, either.
I'm doing better than I thought - SIX breakfasts. Dinners will have to take care of themselves.