meara, that reminds me of my first weeks in basic training, in a a barracks of thirty girls/women. And we're all exhausted, but some are still chatting after lights out. Then starts the "please be quiet, some of us are trying to sleep" which elicits "shut the fuck up!" which escalated to "shut your mouths, bitches, so we can sleep" then "you ain't my mother, ho, don't tell me what to do" "fuck you bitch!" and then what started as a polite call for silence escalated into nobody sleeping and soon everyone doing pushups.
That's when I learned that screaming for silence was really dumb.
My new neighbors might be moving in soon. I need to speak with them about not having conversations/social events underneath my windows.
Right now it sucks because there's tons of strange people who are hauling shit out of the garage below me, so they just don't know that there is an apartment above. But I need to set ground rules that I didn't know I needed to set with my original neighbors.
hen "you ain't my mother, ho, don't tell me what to do" "fuck you bitch!" and then what started as a polite call for silence escalated into nobody sleeping and soon everyone doing pushups.
Yeah, that's what I want to avoid. And yet, the constant yelling and "fuck you" BS is also wearing extremely thin.
I had a fine time at the game last night. The Braves won. It was the best weather we've had on the 4th for years, so the game was at capacity and all the fireworks shows were packed. However, I'm still very anemic, and that was the most walking I've done in months. My abdominal muscles are sore from too much breathing.
Ginger, maybe you'll get muscles?
Humorously, I swear I developed new definition in my abs from the strong-spazzy ( but thankfully short in each spasm) coughing I had after the last cold. It's one of those ok, but that's not how illness usually works. Ditto the weightless a couple folks have commented on. I'm all, um yeah, shitty way to do it, sum total 5 days no eating and 3 nonfunctional due to stomach bug or that cold in the last few months.
I cannot recommend any of it!
Ginger, maybe you'll get muscles?
Gaspersize. It's the latest thing.
Oh, yeah, after several months of bronchitis a few years ago, my abs looked fabulous.
"It's not consumption, it's a fitness regimen!"
Damn, I have never had bronchitis. That must be why I have crappy abs. I knew there had to be a good reason.
Damn, I have never had bronchitis.
Never? Wow. I thought it was one of those things that everyone got every few years or so.
My 3 siblings have had it a number of times, but never here. Apparently some level of natural immunity. Never had strep throat either despite all around me getting it. When I asked the doctor about the strep thing she said I probably did carry it, but didn't get symptoms. Seems like that would be less likely with bronchitis.