That's quite a welcome, shrift! Bet they loved the made new best friends!
Gave Loki what I think will be his last bupes. He had no issues eating when it had completely worn off, so he's probably good. Other than the stoned part, he's given no indication he's even aware of his stitches. And I can see them.
you made new best friends
They're very fascinated whenever I'm cooking. Cutting board, giant shiny knife, things to sniff!
Pumpkin would sit in the salad bowl eating the spinach if I let her.
My young cat comes running when I pour a bowl of cheerios for Dillo. Every single morning. He also steals spinach leaves.
My cat Pico liked spinach too. But chicken was truly his one true love.
Arugula is even better, but I'm not the only popeye in this house.
I finally gave in and put in the a/c in my room. Sweaty!