Cheeseburger backpack is real.
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
Well, that was another barn-burner season finale for Rebels. X is on the loose, Y's fate is highly uncertain, and Z may never fight again.
Yeah, I was on the edge of my seat as it ended, and then it dawned on me "It's the finale... Nooooooo! Have to wait a few months till it resumes!!!"
Oh, and something I saw on the commercials - apparently the current Avengers cartoon is going to do the original-flavor Thunderbolts!
Oh, I was in such a crappy mood, all week. Then I found out that One-Punch Man is on Hulu. Now I feel a whole lot better.
That Rebels finale was intense.
I like how well they made use of Vader this season. He's absolutely terrifying.
Anyone else watching the new season of The Venture Bros?
I really missed this show.
I feel like I had something to say about the Archer premiere, but then I forgot.
Oh! There was Krieger inexplicably not wearing a shirt under his welder's apron, which was amusing but not what I think I was going to say.
All of Animaniacs is now on Netflix.
Bob taking a bath with the pigeon is both Bert and Ernie.