RWBY is an acronym for the team. Which just happens to be led by Ruby.
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
And the team name is pronounced like the leader's name. (And that trailer is still one of my favorite pieces of short animation.)
There are other teams in the show such as JNPR (pronounced "Juniper") and CRDL (pronounced "Cardinal").
Now I have to watch more! Thanks!
Well, at least this week's RWBY wasn't too depressing.
Well, at least this week's RWBY wasn't too depressing.
Uh, yeah, well that didn’t last very long.
I'm still not sure what the bad guys' agenda is. Seems like everyone getting eaten by monsters would be bad for them, too.
Ok, Adam is scary powerful.
ETA: And that episode pretty much emphasized my point about the apparent flaw in the bad guys' plans.
Well, I wasn't expecting hugs and puppy dogs from the season finale, based on the rest of the season, but ouch.
ETA: They were foreshadowing pretty big all season that Pyrrah was going to die or otherwise lose herself, but it still sucks as she was my favorite character.
The finale of Gravity Falls is tonight.
I am a little anxious about it.
ION I was very amused by the snippet of Rick & Morty on Supernatural last week.
I am a little anxious about it.
Same here, and I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow. Woe!