Selfish question here. As I am considering 'cutting the chord' and going the Hulu+ route, does the DisneyXD shows (Star Wars Rebels speficially) hit that? Or is there another source, other then ahem sources, to legally view?
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
Does not appear to be on Hulu+, from my quick search anyway. There' a DisneyXD channel available on AppleTV, but it wants you to have a cable/satellite/something provider.
Yeah, the only way I've seen to watch Rebels is paying for it on Amazon, or by ahemming.
Anyone looking to catch up on Season 1 of Rebels can now do so for free: [link]
Cartoon Network just posted a bunch of weird shit on their web site.
Rick and Morty season 2 trailer! [link]
Season 2 starts July 26!
How many seasons of Rick and Morty will they get in before Venture Bros returns?
Heh. I have almost completely forgotten what was going on on Venture Bros. Maybe not almost.
Gravity Falls returns July 13! [link]