That's awesome, Tom. (And a little creepy, when one has a chance to actually look closely at it.)
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
There were a lot of callbacks in this episode.
Korra Alone / Zuko Alone (also Appa Alone).
Which also had Korra's eye all fucked up echoing Zuko.
Plus the first time Aang had a notion of Toph was in the swamp, when he was looking for an Earthbending teacher.
Finally watching Archer Vice. Weird, but not too bad.
I don't know why we needed the recap 2/3 of the way through.
Seemed like an efficient way to let us know the flashback was over. If we are thinking of the same bit.
So excited to see Toph!
Seemed like an efficient way to let us know the flashback was over. If we are thinking of the same bit.
Yeah, I liked that bit, especially because I was a bit confused about the timeline before then.
The meeting between Korra and Toph that could have been: [link]
Toph was so wonderfully Toph.
Yes. I could have done without the other stuff and just watched an entire episode of Toph giving Korra a hard time.
Toph was so wonderfully Toph.
Indeed. Awesomesauce.
Yes. I could have done without the other stuff and just watched an entire episode of Toph giving Korra a hard time.
The whole time I was watching Mako and Wu, I was thinking "This is so pointless and dull."