After watching the (AMAZING) trailer, I have a theory:
Unless I missed something, we DON'T actually see Kuvira fighting against Team Avatar. I have a feeling that we're being fooled by deliberately misleading editing. I think Kuvira is either not a bad guy or is only a secondary bad guy. I think the main antagonist's identity is going to be much more of a punch to the gut.
In short, I have a nasty feeling that
Toph is going to end up being the main antagonist.
Anne, in regards to your theory, is there a word for the opposite of fanservice?
Fan disservice? If done right, I think it could be good. Painful, but good.
You guys, I'm worried about Korra. She seems depressed. I am very worried about this fictional character.
She seems depressed.
Yes, she does. But I'm sure she'll manage, somehow. She's had a hard few years.
She seems depressed.
I am crossing my fingers so hard that the show handles the topic well. I can see this being SO IMPORTANT for a lot of people.
Korra is already up! And it’s... kind of weak.
Also, not Studio Mir.
Korra is back up on iTunes!
Star Wars Rebels has already been renewed for Season 2, but without Greg Wesiman.
The new Homestar Runner is up.
I could have sworn they said Studio Mir was animating Season 4. I didn't notice any real issues with the animation.
Hmm. Disappointing that Weisman is out. I wonder what the story behind that, is.
As for Korra itself, I didn't think the episode was that bad,. Obviously, some interesting stuff has gone down during the last several years and I'm curious to find out more about it.
I'm also curious to see where they're going with Korra. She's obviously not in the best mental or physical state (getting whomped on by a random prize fighter) and hiding it from her father.