I got up earlyish this morning so I could take my car to the dealership and have them check out the very loud squealing noise my brakes have been making (as in, loud enough that other people have mentioned it), but they convinced me it was normal (they even had literature about it), so I just left (after a free car wash, which my car really needed).
I think I shall use the time I expected to be waiting at the dealership for going back to bed
Seriously intense pedicure today. ALways true when you get this particular woman. It was awesome.
Gotta decide what to do next. Must let the other half of the sandwich settle. Maybe cuddle the cats. Swim little later. Then maybe more errands and/or cleaning....
I went to Trader Joe's, at least, so that was a walk. Massage later, now laundry. I was in my apartment for two days and STILL didn't do laundry!
I marketed the heck out of the market--lots of tomatoes, corn, plums! I love summer produce!
I should do some work and I'm meeting a friend at 2 and then have a mani/pedi scheduled for later this afternoon but really I want a little nap.
Today's lunchtime lesson: white shirts and pickled beets don't mix! I put on a purple shirt next.
Also, TJ's Apocryphal Pita is apparently apocryphal in that you can't actually use it for a sandwich. Bread salad!
Jesse, I don't think you're taking the right lesson from lunch: NO BEETS.
I haven't managed to take time for a pedicure lately. My toes are sad.
Stopping at Falling Waters on the way back tomorrow because architecture.
Nice! I visited a couple times when I lived in Pittsburgh. Loved it. Enjoy.
I keep thinking I ought to go visit Fallingwater, since it's not too far from where I live, but I haven't made it out there yet. (I think it's maybe two hours from here?)
I'm so mad at old boss lady. She had 30 yards of mulched delivered on Thursday in the front two parking spaces. Our group of volunteers on Friday barely moved five of it. I was told to introduce myself to the wedding people this morning, and they immediately freaked out over the visual and the loss of one handicapped spot (we're only required by law to provide one, and we still have one left) even though they're having valet parking. The ladies were still acting like poor hobbled people would have to walk far. They were all very polite and diplomatic, but they were also very insistent. "We have 24 hours to figure this out!" Uh, no, we don't because I was leaving work within two hours of that conversation. I'm not going to move 25 yards by myself on my off-time over the space of a day and a half. Also, we have only 35 (now 33) parking spots, and you have
275 guests
valet parking!
No one is going to be walking far. And we are a working garden and it really isn't an eyesore. It's beautiful brown root mulch. Not rubble or construction fill.
We compromised that I'd move some urns and pots with flowers in front of it to dress it, even though I thought that drew more attention to the big piles of discreet brown. Then I hid.
Besides, it's going to pour tomorrow. The valet drop-off is past that, and any handicapped persons would not benefit from the location of the now-unavailable handicapped parking space. Also,
valet parking!!!
So, thank you, former boss-lady, for that headached, grrr.
(I totally understand that two days out from being gone gone gone, she wasn't doing her usual thing of checking calendars for upcoming events or really thinking about the future implications and ramifications of having the mulch dumped where it was. Still.)
I actually don't care that it's there, only that I have to deal with the people who seem to think it's a big horrible obstacle. I almost took the time to print and laminate a sign that said "pardon our appearance..." but thought that would be even more visually detracting and ran away before the rehearsal wedding was over.