Verdict of sister: pathological liar.
And you know? I knew most of the stuff she said was untrue, but...I hadn't actually framed it that way. It's both kinder and harsher than my view of her. fucking Occam's razor that I'm bleeding out over here.
I don't know if she believes the bullshit actually happens--is she in a cabal that she believes came up with a cure for cancerandAIDS (that's how she breathlessly says it) or does she believe she's in a cabal that whatever or is it purposely false from the start?
My sister repeatedly pushed her out of her comfort zone on her beliefs (whereas I nod and say "yes, I know what dark matter is" rather than "ita !--what's that? Nurse ShitWoo, when will it become perceptible, then, and why is this a good thing???" and "In which capacity did you work with both the CIA and the FBI whilst you were an investment broker?" like my sister does.
Apart from the threat of a fistfight which hovered high above me (she was pointedly polite and very "I believe, I think, I feel" and "Me, mine myself" when she disagreed with the random stuff the nurse posited) it was fucking HIGHlarious.
Go sister of ita !! That is awesome!
yay for sisterly support!
Man, your sis rocks my world. Love her.
Yes, awesome, and absolutely.
can she go to the doctors and emergency room with you?
She could and has, but she's only here through Tuesday, and I hope to avoid either in the short term. With her assistance, so cool beans.
Huh, I did not know this about argiopes and other jillifonts that produce designs on their webs (stabilimentum):
... [one] theory is that they make the spider visible and therefore animals such as birds are less likely to damage the spider’s web. One more recent theory is that web decorations attract prey by reflecting ultraviolet light.[4] Light in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum is known to be attractive to many species of insects.[4] Many other theories have also been proposed such as thermoregulation, stress, regulation of excess silk, or simple aesthetics. At least one variant has been observed to vibrate the web, while positioned in the stabilimentum, when approached by a body the size of a human. Another theory is camouflage as it breaks up the outline of the spider. One theory has been put forward that the purpose of the stabilimentum is to attract the male of the species to the web when the female is ready to reproduce. A limited study carried out in the Calahonda area of Spain in the summer of 1992 showed that there was a positive correlation between the presence of a male in the webs of Argiope lobata and the presence of a stabilimentum.
The aesthetics/mating thing sounds good to me. I mean, their very colourful, they're certainly not hiding, and if an animal is doing shit for aesthetics, then that's attracting mates right there. It obviously doesn't seem to work to deter unsuspecting gardeners who are also Buffistas, however (data sample of one, whatevs)...
I think the other reason that they're my faves is that they are late summer critters, and September is my month, yo (especially now that the back-to-school trauma is over for me).
ita !, for a moment there I thought you were saying that your sister was the pathological liar.
That's actually extra scary, to me, for the person in charge of my medical care to have a tenuous relationship with truths and honesty.
This is why having a medical advocate is so very useful, especially one that is trained to be logical and methodical.
I am listing CDs and DVDs on ebay and amazon. Trying to clean out 1 drawer and 1 shelf of stuff. The goal is to get rid of at least one piece of storage furniture that just collects STUFF.
I already files away a stack of school stuff from mac and I moved another box of papers in by the filing cabinet where they need to get filed.
just so much stuff.
btw, I have a lot of burned CDs that I cannot sell, I think I will put up a list on my LJ if people are interested.
Accomplished today - got out of bed (that was rough - woke up with the edge of a migraine), cleaned the guest room and put all the piles away, rearranged furniture in the guest room, went to Bath and Body Works and Costco, came home, unloaded, went to Ace Hardware, Office Max, and King Soopers, came home and unloaded. Migraine hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't gone away. Groceries are put away, new light bulbs are in place, new hand soap is in the guest bathroom, garbage is out, recycling is out, and my headache drugs aren't kicking in. Luckily, CJ has agreed to cook dinner. I realized I haven't really eaten anything today other than a thing of fruit snacks. Ooops.
today was the niles antique fair and flea market . but because there are 100s of garage sales all over the neighbor hood - it is party weekend . and today is viisting and shopping with adult beverages.
my feet are tired.
hmmm, I am finding several CDs that either never got ripped or got "lost" in the various computer and iTunes transfers. yeah getting music back I thought I had lost. the lovely eclectic mix thus far: Brand Nubian, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Veronica Mars Soundtrack, Garth Brooks, Cher, Marc Cohn...
Nothing like shopping in your own house, msbelle!