The altitude sickness was apparently horrific.
Way to cheer 'Suela on and support her when she's terrified. Go Consuela! Have horror!
Gerard Butler has bought a piece of the Jamaica Tallawahs--our cricket team. I thought that was the randomest thing I'd hear today, but Mark Wahlberg has bought a stake in the Barbados team.
I'm on one crutch today. We did a lot of shit--movie, bookstore, lunch, other errands, and it's cranky, but I guess it's doable. Shit still hurts when I don't elevate, though.
Oh, to see altitude sickness at work, Michael Palin's series on crossing the Himalaya is educational. They nearly had to ship him out of there.
Sounds interesting.
Consuela, avert your eyes! It'll be fine! You'll do great!
Wow. Krenkel especially goes into my file. DAMN. That's some great black and white work. Why were you watching him work, Ginger?
Well, it could be "OK, this was supposed to be horrible, but I feel OK, so I'm doing well." I figure forewarned is forearmed.
Drinking lots of water (like, drink until you think you've had enough and then drink some more pretty much constantly for at least a few days before you go) is supposed to help, according to the mountain climbers of my acquaintance. New Orleans-based climbers are pretty aware of change in altitude effects, as you might imagine.
I have firm plans to meet my mom at 3:30 tomorrow morning so we can go walk around a track for an hour or two. By the time we are done with that and go out to breakfast I should be ready to be all kinds of productive around the house before it's time to watch football (which has a tendency to just eat up my Sundays)...
They needed people for the overnight hours. These things happen.
Last night I wrote out a list of everything I wanted to get done today.
I am pretty sure it's laughing at me from the other room.
Lists are not the boss of you.
Even so, that's still early.
But then I'm going to have to wake up for the prep dose at around 3 AM to allow for enough time before I have to leave for the procedure.