Ugh, Xfinity! When I picked up my phone, I wasn't getting the "you have a message" tone. When I checked the online message listing (which is much easier to navigate than the audio menu) it didn't show any unheard messages.
Yet everyone who has been trying to get me for the past week has gotten a "message full" notice.
Finally, after waiting on hold twice with Customer Service... it turns out that I have over 100 messages "heard" but saved. SIGH. Am I such a freak that I like to hang onto messages?
Happy to report that I broke through the stall point I'd seemed to reach on my diet for a couple of weeks, and am now 32 lbs. down as of Tuesday. So I'll continue on Atkins for the rest of the Summer (excepting the weekend of Sept. 13-14) and see how low I can go.
Fred, no shit. Not to mention Maddow did a nice job running down the fatalities in state dept attacks under previous Presidents and Benghazi had a small number of deaths compared to embassy attacks under Clinton and GWB.
Ha! I thought I had lost my nearly indestructible gray sweater, purchased for about $15 in 2000, which has been my travel companion since then. It's been shoved in backpacks, tied around my waist, brought to numerous cons, and visited Europe more than some people.
I realized this morning where I left it, called the restaurant, and they have it!
I'm watching What Not To Wear, and the woman just said that jeans make her calves feel claustrophobic.
I've had that feeling in jeans!
That's what skinny jeans can do.
Now she's crying because the guy is going to cut her hair. This woman has had a rough week.
Does anyone know the difference between Groupthink and The Powder Room on Jezebel?