Ditto here, though I think it's because I went to bed before 10.
I refused to friend a left wing critic of Obama because he pushes the "Benghazi Scandal". Plenty of real shit to criticize this administration for, don't need to jump on faux scandals, mostly created by Faux News.
Seriously, it's not like the NSA wiretap revelations, drone warfare issues, and the government doggedly pursuing Snowden for whistleblowing aren't perfectly legitimate reasons to rake Obama and his administration over the coals.
OK, I'm getting antsy (typical pretravel) and I need to stop and get cash, so gonna hit the road. Given it is 3 hours before my flight, think I'll stop for coffee. See you in mountain time! Or BWI if I get bored and find wifi.
Bon voyage!
I am awake again, full of resolution about what to accomplish this day. Let us see if my plan survives battle.
My rule: Before I listen to your (Note: generic "your," not any specific person here) arguments on how Clinton and/or Obama is responsible for Benghazi, I want to hear a plausible interpretation of how Congressional cuts to the State Department budget did or did not affect what happened there.
Omg, I am off this week, and for the second time, I am at my favorite breakfast place. It is slammed! It's never like this on my Mondays off. there are as many people standing waiting for a table as there are eating.
I am applying for another job. If the online applications don't kill me, writing cover letters is sapping me of my will to live.
My favorite breakfast place (which is always full of people waiting for tables on the weekend, not so much during the week but maybe Fridays, I haven't checked) is closed on Mondays, which I get but still kind of bums me out because Monday is when I could really use a before work treat to get my week started off right...
This was breakfast:
3 Durty Scrambled Eggs, Bourbon & Cola BBq Brisket and Pork Belly, White Bean & Sweet Potato Succotash, Cheddar HushPuppies, Molasses Drizzle .
It was delicious, as everything is here.
My team is taking me out for my birthday Monday for breakfast!! I'm super excited about it!
Safe travels, sara!