Regularly -- it's that he gets up many times in the night, and has started to pee on the floor a couple of times. Theoretically they could make the apartment back into a 2-bed and sleep separately with a health aide in the room with my father, but how terrible does that sound? (To me, terrible.)
Sounds terrible to me too.
Maybe they could work out something where your folks still share a room but the attendant is just outside or has a monitor? Then when he gets up s/he can deal with him?
This is all so hard. I'm so sorry.
I hope you all can figure out a good solution, Jesse.
As you may have guessed from earlier, I did not really enjoy today, but at least now I know what SMH means!
I also had a good Charlie moment this morning, and there aren't any rapey birds interrupting my hammock time, and I have a Fresca to drink, so all in all I am going to call it a win
Maybe they could work out something where your folks still share a room but the attendant is just outside or has a monitor?
I think she would still wake up though? I don't know.
His need of care will only increase, so a nursing home, while seeming like a big step, fits in the continuum. I really like this model: [link] (which happens to be just across the street from me.) Especially since it is on a campus with senior apartments, so a transition from independent living to more skilled care could be made much more seamless.
I keep thinking I need to contact them and see if they'd be interested in a volunteer. Maybe even bring Loki in as a therapy cat;)
I keep telling my parents that the minute they start ever even *thinking* that they need to be closer/need help, we really ought to see about putting them on the waitlists for whichever is appropriate. Even if I suspect my SIL would make them move in with them first. And I can't see them ever wanting to leave Cruces.
His need of care will only increase, so a nursing home, while seeming like a big step, fits in the continuum.
Yeah, we both think that, too. And the nice place is nice -- doesn't feel like a hospital, according to my mother. So that may be the answer.
Pinterest is interesting. My most commonly repinned picture is one of a typical 12x12 dorm room at my alma mater. I guess design ideas for dorm rooms are a big thing.
I've already forgotten what SMH means. And I'm too tired to go back and scan for it. Sorry, just a bit of a down day.
I'm sticking with Sarah Michelle Huh? It makes sense to me.
I can never remember what SMH stands for so in my head it's just read out semi-phonetically as "smush". But without much of a vowel in the middle.
Some of the younger peeps at work told me about Edward 40-Hands. I had never heard of it--have you guys?