So I pointed out that the human body actually produces acid In! Your! Stomach! to digest food, and it's Way! More! Acidic! than Coke, and our stomachs seem to handle that just fine.
It is actually pretty bad for your teeth.
Which clearly she had no idea so your triumph STANDS.
Regular Coke over Pepsi, but Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke.
This is probably me, too, although I haven't had regular soda in so long, I can't really drink it anymore. Diet Coke really does take like nothing but chemicals to me. If I can get it with the lime, it's not too bad, though.
Actually... when a baby eats a penny, does it come out clean???
We waited and waited for a dime Ben had swallowed to come out the other end, and finally we just stopped paying attention. I assume it did at some point, though.
It has been 5 months since I had any soda other than plain soda water, but I was a Diet Pepsi person over Coke. My #1 favorite soda was Wink. With gin or vodka even.
My new eating program has no soda, no chemicals, no coffee. I'm shocked that I have dealt so well with the loss of coffee. Just herbal tea, fizzy water, wine sometimes. I would mourn the loss of soda and coffee except for the whole feeling great thing.
Heh. I read this convo then headed to the hospital cafeteria I'm at today. And lo and behold: Pepsi products! Boo.
And, I'm no drug expert, although I do play one on the internet, but I'd guess the chick that drank bottles of coke a day and died was probably addicted to some other stuff too, not that is a healthy practice, but I think opiates make you want sugar that much.
I miss real Coke. Diet Coke is a pale comparison to real Coke.
I dislike diet drinks generally, but I have them with meals. I can't just drink one straight.
I almost never drink soda anymore, either. It's mostly tea for me all day, hot and then iced. But occasionally I like a little jolt of extra caffeine.
My favorite used to be birch beer when I was a kid. I still love it, but you can't find it anywhere.
I actually get my favorite beverage shipped in. I love Sprecher's low cal root beer. It isn't zero calories, but it is low enough calorie (and tastes pretty good) that I can drink one of those in the evening and my soda craving is quelled.
In a carbonated coincidence, I have just stopped drinking soda this week. And caffeine (since I don't drink coffee, that was how I got my morning jolt). I love it, but it was the only liquid I ever drank and I drank tons every day. I want to be healthier. I can't just cut down, tried that before and I am an all or nothing kinda gal. Farewell, dearest Diet Dr. Pepper, you were a true friend.
My favorite used to be birch beer when I was a kid. I still love it, but you can't find it anywhere.
Our favorite bar actually has it on tap. Trufax.