I'm pretty sure I could ignore a passive-aggressive brontosaurus forever. I do not give one single shit about someone else's arrogant entitlement, which is why I sucked at service industry jobs.
However, I think if the brontosaurus was a man, and I had asked him to sit down or step away, and he opted to continue to loom, I would call security on him, because I suspect it would feel threatening, not passive-aggresive. But a woman with what she thinks is a "kindly, benevolent" smile? Please. She can stand there until the store/counter/museum closes for all I care and then bunk down and sleep there, as long as she doesn't physically get *between* me and my actual job.
I don't think you ruptured it, Ginger. You could have had something like a zit in there -- that's happened to me, too, and it's awful.
If it were me, I wouldn't go to the doctor at this point, but I am a "wait until it's really bad" patient, so take that with a grain of salt.
Rather than alcohol for ear-swabbing, I use a dab of cortisone/anti-itch cream. Eczema inside your ear canals sucks.
I see my oncologist tomorrow. I suppose I could ask him to look in my ear one more time, although most specialists seem pretty clueless about things outside their specialties.
I don't think you ruptured it, either, but in my case, rupture has always lead to drainage and relief of symptoms. I have also had many, many boils in my ear, and they are painful, itchy, and have blood when they burst.
"Umbrage" is a synonym for "high dudgeon." "Pique" and "huff" aren't bad either. As an author, I wouldn't know where to go. So much fun.
Unrelatedly, is there a real word that means unrelatedly?
I just had to duck out of a meeting because my mom was calling me. In the middle of the day. When I'd just talked to her last night. So I was all "WHAT'S WRONG?" when I took the call, and it turns out that I got baby-dialed by my one-year-old niece.
Hey shrift I just realized that Ecuador will be playing France while we're in Quito.
I hate passive aggression so much that doing that to me would guarantee a constant stalemate.
What's the most desirous way to respond to a Kindly Brontosaurus? Blithe and Clueless Ankylosaurus?