Just bought the DVD of Suburban Shootout,
The smell of newly-mown grass, the sight of blooming flowerbeds, the clatter of automatic gunfire…. Welcome to Little Stempington, a posh London ’burb where the ladies care more about turf wars than topsoil. Amelia Bullmore (Cracker), Anna Chancellor (Four Weddings and a Funeral), and Felicity Montague (Bridget Jones’s Diary) star in a wickedly satirical Britcom about warring gangs of vigilante housewives.
Wonderfully funny. Hooray for the Internet.
Thanks, Dana. That will be tomorrow morning's project.
Zen, it was a PM job. Let me find the link: [link]
I've asked our HR person, ita. I'll let you know.
Won't keep boring anyone with my medical stuff. But one last thing. Just took blood sugar (which I always have as a precaution against overdoing). Even with insulin down by a quarter, evening (not even fasting) blood sugar was 117. While not quite as tight as before, anything under 120 is considered safe even in the long run.
That's very good to hear.
Juliebird have you ever applied for the director position?
I haven't. I don't think I have the admin skills for that (amongst other necessary skills), or want the admin duties associated with it. I'm not decrepit enough to seek a desk job yet. But I've thought about it.
Goal for today: hydrate enough, eat enough, make some phone calls, not need to sleep all.damned.day. The snot situation seems to be better, but I'm still kinda wobbly. Not sure how much of that is sleep-hangover/water-nutrition deficiency versus just sick.
At least it doesn't feel like my sinuses are going to explode from my forehead any more. Usually those don't give me any problems, but yesterday felt like they were trying to turn me into a klingon.
Awake 3 hours! 2 phone calls made!
Pumpkin is very very needy when I am home and largely prone.
Good luck with the adjustments, TB, I hope it goes smoothly.
Last day of work before vacation! I am excite, as they say on the internet. Although it may be a long one as I try to leave things in decent shape for my backups.