is is supposed to be gross to sleep with someone a friend or family member boinked?
Stereotypical Girl Code would say yes, I guess, but I think in real life it depends on the relationships involved. Have sex with someone I had sex with? Eh. Start dating my ex I'm not quite over yet? That's a different story.
Briefly de-lurks...
Epic, where are you editing Engineers? My employer (IEEE) will probably be hiring editors soon, you should keep an eye on the jobs site.
Zen, I'm at a teeny-tiny site under a ginormous Corporate Behemoth (name kept confidential to cover my heinie). We're in "turbine engine controls". The last place was "electronics adhesives". But the name IEEE is definitely not unknown to me, and I definitely will keep an eye on your site, thanks a lot.
Grace has no trache at the moment! She got panicky after she went to the bathroom in the under counter cabinet and wanted to be suctioned.
Yay, Grace! Continued ~ma that it works out okay.
Fingers crossed for Grace!