assuming sugar is vegan
maybe/kinda/sometimes. A lot of the white sugar that you buy in the US is processed using animal bones. Not all brands, though. There's a list somewhere of which brands do and which don't, but I don't really buy enough white sugar to know. The kind that's a little bit off-white or tan, rather than totally white, is vegan. Some vegans will only eat stuff that they're sure is made with sugar not processed that way, but a lot don't mind it, since avoiding processed sugar means avoiding practically everything that you didn't cook yourself.
I suppose that leaves in HFCS?
I have an actual phone screen interview on Thursday. Maybe the job dam is finally breaking up. Or I'll just get all excited about a prospective job and have my heart broken again.
Good luck, Theo!
Someone wrote in to the Good Stuff to complain about the girl who cooks, because what about all the girls who do great things in STEM, etc. Dude! I feel like I have those girls all the time, too! Crikey.
That person is unclear on the concept of Good Stuff.
We do! Plus, that girl is raising money for charity, and she's like eleven or something!
People. Don't be gross.
the girl who cooks
Or the girl who's an entrepreneur and donates money to charity. Writing in to complain about "the girl who cooks" is reductive, stupid person.
Clearly, creating anything edible while female is Setting The Movement Back.
I'm all conflicted now. I need to go create something edible in order to create more STEM. WHAT ABOUT THE MOVEMENT?