It is definitely popsicle season, though. Balsamic strawberry and cream in the quick pop freezer even now.
That sounds delightful!
Well, I sucked it up and cleaned out the fridge. Which lead to taking out the trash, so I'm calling it my adult accomplishment for the day. Well, that and sending out five job applications. I sent eight yesterday and six more the day before that. I keep having these flashes of panic, and I've found trawling various employment opportunity web pages helps keep them at bay.
Gold star, Calli! Maybe several.
Popsicle was yum, though I am now thinking that maybe I should cook down the pureed strawberries to concentrate the flavor. Not today.
That's a lot of applications, Calli! Nicely done!
I just watched
The Heat
for the first time, and I almost choked I was laughing so hard.
Wow, Calli.
I am both tired and restless. It's an annoying combination.
I did laundry and went for a walk. Now I'm going to make black bean and egg burritos before I head out to see Eddie Izzard tonight.
Today's Teefury shirts are Cosmos-themed. I had to buy Lego Neil deGrasse Tyson and Carl Sagan: [link]
We went to Ikea and bought a guest bed, as my mom is just getting too frail to sleep on our blow-up bed, even the tall one we have. We went cheap on the bed, expensive (for Ikea) on the mattress). Now that we have made space by getting two boxes of books to go to Goodwill packed up, time to put the bed together.
Is a visit from Mom of Scrappy imminent? Cheap on the bed, expensive on the mattress sounds smart.
I have enough clean towels to get me through the week. As you know, Bob, that is my prime motivation for doing laundry. The kitchen situation is still pretty dire, but progress is being made.
I think I will not swim this evening. I knew it would get hot today and I thought that would make going to the pool more inviting, but the heat has sapped all my energy and getting to the gym seems like way too much trouble.
I drove up to where a new ferry was being put in service and they were having a party on the ferry. Mostly because a friend was in charge and was worried no one would come (but lots of people were there). Enjoyed the free ferry ride. Then tried to do some shopping (I need new bras, but am too picky. Or at least, not willing to spend that much money on something that is not right). And now home, it's still lovely out, and I finally put stuff in the washer. I feel bad that the only thing I want to do is read or watch Netflix, when it's so pretty out!
Also, I just noticed that my bottle of bourbon is completely missing. Which makes me think ex-roomie and her friends drank it up the weekend I was gone and she moved out. Am irked, but trying to remind myself it's not like I can't buy another one.
Also, found out Friday night that last time I saw this guy I barely know (he's the husband of one of the dancers, who I only know slightly better!) I was very drunk (after the patio party for which I purchased that bourbon) and apparently kept petting his beard. Hah!
Anyone know why Hugh Jackman is bouncing through the Tonys opening number? I walked in just a little late.