Unpleasant dream last night left me in a bad mood all day:
I was driving down a dark crowded highway desperately trying to get home when my car broke down. I grabbed a bicycle out of the trunk and kept riding, keeping up with the traffic. (Apparently dream-me is quite the athlete.) Then by bicycle crumbled, but I just starting running, even though I was in the left lane. (See previous parenthetical comment). Then my shoes fell apart, but I kept on even though every step felt like I was being stabbed by a sword. (Apparently dream-me is also quite the stoic.)
Around a curve, I joined a procession of other runners. They were expensively dressed, somber expressions on their faces. Though there was nothing overtly sinister visible, I shuddered as I moved among them. Then I reached the man at the head of the procession. The man who led it who wore a suit and a cowboy hat that shadowed his face completely. For no reason I understood, I greatly feared that man.
He spoke. "Don't you understand," he said. "This is your chance. You have failed at everything. You will never reach 'home'. Just stop moving. Rest. Be at peace. You will never wake up. They will find your body in the morning. You will never again have to face to consequences of your many mistakes."
"If the choice is mine, I'd just as soon keep running," I said.
"The choice is always yours," the man with the shadowed face said, "until it isn't." Then I woke up.
My vivid dreams have now been medically diagnosed, for which I am grateful. Because I have friends who tried to convince they were messages from spirit guides. If that was a spirit guide, I don't think it had my best interests at heart.