Good news, Sue!
This is ridiculous, but I still can't figure out how to have my phone settings. I don't want the sound totally off, because I want to hear phone calls. And sometimes I appreciate the ding I get before appointments. EXCEPT every other Thursday, when I get a reminder about approving timesheets at 6am and it often wakes me up. OK, in the process of typing this, I went to see if I could edit the appointment, even though I didn't create it, and maybe I could! Check back in two weeks....
I am sorry about the job, ita, that sucks!
Job~ma for quester!
ita, I'm so sorry about the job. I know some ed software places are looking for PMs, but they often require K-12 experience. Want me to forward them on?
Took a shower and got dressed and felt bad enough to take my temperature which is up a little bit, so I think actual sick day today. But what I was really coming to tell you is that I broke out the peppermint soap I got from my butcher and it smells surprisingly beefy. I mean, I knew it was made from beef tallow, or whatever it's called, but I didn't expect it to smell like steak with a side of peppermint. I don't think I like it.
Beef and peppermint seem WRONG. IT should be beef and...mushrooms?
Yeah, they are two great tastes that don't go great together. Lesson learned on buying soap from the butcher, I guess.
Maybe sage or rosemary would work? Or cedar. Mesquite for BBQ-scented soap?
My mom gave me wine soap at Christmas, and I'm a little afraid to use it. I loves me some wine, but I don't think I want to smell like the back room of the Cork N' Bottle.
My condolences about the bad job news, ita. May a good prospect show up in a hurry.
Happy belated birthday, Dana!