K is really happy about the Kings' win. Sigh. I thought we might be OVER hockey.
There are a series of posts on my FB friendslist that are vague and yet full of distressed emotion (e.g., "Noooooo!" or "I can't believe that just happened!").
I have NO IDEA if they're about hockey or Game of Thrones. And since I don't watch either, I may never know. It's a little amusing to me to guess who is watching hockey and who is watching GoT.
Two hrs later than planned, but am home.
I forgot one thing: I've clearly been on the east coast long enough to become an east coast driver, because OMG MN and SD drivers made me NUTS. They do not pass, they parallel. For miles, each gradually starting to pass (on left or right) and then demurring. AHRG.
that would drive me buggy, sarameg.
I'm pretty disappointed by the Kings win, I'm not gonna lie, but I'm trying to frame it as "look at how much time you'll get back over the next two weeks!"
I forgot to put Darby's playoff collar on her tonight so this one'a probably on me.
I actually caught this game in a bar in Omaha. The bartender was very into the Hawks.
Beverly: disturbing article is disturbing eta: Warning: do not click this link while eating, after recently eating, or somewhere where you can't walk away from the computer and punch something soft a few times. Or however you deal with rage. And triggers, most of them.
I've clearly been on the east coast long enough to become an east coast driver
100% the same here. When I visit my mother on the other coast of Florida I go insane with the driving. The residents and tourists on my side tend to be east coast and drive appropriately (or we have driven them off the road /terrified them to stay home) and on the other side they tend to be mid-western and the driving makes me weep.
On the east coast FL to NY yearly trips I also have always taken the city driving (DC, Philly,etc) and DH takes the endless rolling hills or horrors of PA highways for the sake of my sanity. City driving keeps me alert.
Not clicking the linky.
I'm gonna say East Coast drivers are equally batty making to me, a Los Angeles driver. Go faster, MERGE, red means stop and GREEN means go. Ahem.
I can't disagree. LA driving was a positively civilized experience. There are just too many cars for the available routes.