Meara - I told them I was switching ALL my prescriptions to retail. If they give me crap, I have this little experience to throw back at them. They showed up today but they make me sleepy, so I'm trying to decide which meds to take during the day to keep this at bay.
CJ is OUT OF SCHOOL (until summer school starts). Also means he is back on the search and rescue team! We have a fund raiser tonight and he gets to show up in uniform.
My prescription insurance requires we go through their mail order service. I reordered a few meds a week ago Sunday and have gotten all but one. That one is what keeps my migraines at bay and I've been without for 4 days. I have e-mailed with them over the weekend and the only advice I got was "it will be there Tuesday, hang on". Today I called and supposedly it "has been delivered". Right. Not. But since their system says it was received, they have to jump through hoops to have it marked as "lost in the mail" before they can send me another refill - arriving when?
Not to mention, both of my meds were way more expensive by mail than just going to CVS.
Cool. Thai massage scares me a little. I am not stretchy.
Thai massage scares me a little. I am not stretchy.
She was really careful about the stretching and backed off whenever it got to be too much for me. Especially with the poor range-of-motion I have on my left knee.
I'm in the waiting room for a massage right now. It will be FG.
I have a gift certificate for an hour massage at a day spa that I plan to use while on vacation. I am so looking forward to it.
re: doctor's offices. Hubby and I are always prompt. The dentist recommended by the cancer center scheduled him for 7:45 AM. We were there at 7:40. Office was dark and locked. An office attendant wandered up at 7:55 and was shocked to see us. "We don't open till 8. We make the appointments for 7:45 because no one shows up on time. I don't know if the doctor will be here right at 8." Smack them all.
That is ridiculous, Connie. But don't you know, their time is so much more valuable than yours. @@
I am not a big fan of massage, neither love nor hate. What I do love so much is the exfoliating body scrub type massage. Makes me feel like a new person.
"We don't open till 8. We make the appointments for 7:45 because no one shows up on time. I don't know if the doctor will be here right at 8."
That's horrifying. My mother was just complaining because her doctor's office says to get there 15 minutes before your official appointment time -- I said to her it was probably because people are late, and this just confirms that! She should totally just get there at the actual time.
One of my favorite massage therapists did stuff with pulling my limbs around, and it was incredible. Maybe I can ask my current one to do some of that? We have a good enough relationship that she would just say no if she didn't want to.