Argh, still motion-sick. I finally emailed the surgeon and he's going to write me a script for steroids, because it's the inflammation in my ear that's causing the problem.
I'm so happy I have podcasts and audiobooks to listen to because I can't read much right now, or do laundry or cook or walk the dog. It's really boring!
Eyeball scratch was like that. I couldn't be mobile even with eyes closed because didja know they move with motion?
and vinho verde in my future.
The frizzy one from TJ's?
I love delicious wine finds.
Oooh, I do like the fizzy vinho verde from TJ's. I should buy a couple bottles, now that it's summer again.
I also just got more Shiner Ruby Red and some Abita Strawberry while I was at the beer store playing euchre! Apparently the other location of the beer store has a regular euchre game going, and someone wanted to start one at this location. There only ended up being four of us, but it was still fun.
Stilton with blueberries in it? That sounds yummy.
It was delicious. A+ would recommend.
The frizzy one from TJ's?
No, although theirs is super cheap and really tasty. I should hit TJ's and load up. I usually can find vinho verde at the grocery now, although a couple of years ago it was only to be had at TJ's or the fancy booze store.
They have some crazy cheap drinkable wines. I'm in a bit of a desert here (ha!) so I'm limited in what I can find.
Basically, yay, having options and yay wine.
My parents were up in ABQ the other weekend and went on and on about the wine samples(!) they got at TJs and how awesome was that and they bought this, that and the other. I was all, yeah, MD is stupid, we don't get their booze.
Today's stupid schedule: dentist @ 8:50, race back here to wait on plumber, maybe cry, work,plant stuff maybe, dodge storms.
I need a break. And then I look at the work schedule and UHG.
And why did I just now, in MAY, get tax forms from my HSA?
I'm not really loving being a grown up right now.
Euchre! Fun!
Good luck with all that sarameg.
I am pretty low on summery wines myself, although as slowly as I drink the few I have may get me through this summer.
I am up at 7 to wait for the A/C guy.
Also, it rained, and our roof still leaks. Which is not a surprise, but is definitely super irritating.