So there's this woman who was once voted the best massage therapist in Chicago. I'd never been to her, even though she lives a block from me, because all her massages are at least two hours and thus more expensive. So I saw her last night and she told me her massages tend to be much longer than they're scheduled for. I went for the two hour massage and it ended up being 3.5 hours! (It seemed like a little over two hours so the time really flew by.) It was the best massage of my life. She does this combination of Thai massage stretching and some regular massage.
Too bad I can't afford to see her that often.
Yikes, Consuela. It may be "minor" surgery but the recovery sure isn't.
Plumber tomorrow.
I had to be very insistent on getting a new vendor. I wasn't unpleasant, just refused the budge on the fact that though an offered a Friday date that *I* couldn't do (plane!) that's fundamentally irrelevant because it is outside the 48 window of even the scheduling call.
And now I have the guys who did my sewer line coming out. At least I know they were honest. (Also, I think they could've charged me under the contract for the new sewer cap. They didn't.)
And now that I'm no longer tied to the phone, I'm gonna go pee and refill my water bottles!
I'm gonna go pee and refill my water bottles!
Hopefully these goals are only related in time and not action.
Hopefully these goals are only related in time and not action.
Hey, efficiency is important.
Wow, tommyrot, glad you got to experience it for yourself!
Is that what those water bottles with a built-in filter are for?
Y'all are very funny.
I did make the comparison to camp/camping over on fb.
It may be "minor" surgery but the recovery sure isn't.
Yeah, that's for sure.
My sister has been awesome, dropping off ginger beer at regular intervals and calling to see if I need anything. I do feel better today, except that moving my head or body makes my head swim.
Note to self: avoid surgery, it's kind of awful.
But the key is the places I want to live.
That's why I stopped looking. And there's just one of me. I can keep shortchanging myself a bit longer.
CFerg came over Saturday, sans child (it's too late--he's too mobile for my very un-child-proof apartment--I told them to bring him earlier). At least when Colin visits we can spend time together
my trembling crushing pain jags, as opposed to having to stop on the way home and nap in parking lots when they hit. I really wish there was some way we could live closer together--I love him dearly, clearly, his girlfriend is amazing, and I adore his son.
But I live close to people and never see them too, so I can keep blaming distance if I want, but the problem is me.
Doctor's note has me off work through tomorrow. I think I will go in tomorrow.