Not clicking on that link just now.
I am looking forward to leaving the office two hours early, but trying to fit in all the work that must get done today before then is stressing me out. And I'm having one of those days when hearing everyone's conversations around me is really irritating and distracting. Usually it doesn't bother me, but today it sure does.
Possibly related: maybe 5 cups of coffee is too much. And yet, I think I will still have a cup of tea in a little bit...
omg I think I know some people headed to Glasgow to study art. Crap.
That's so awful.
Tino's office is near mine; he is keeping his door closed and refusing to make eye contact whenever we pass near one another. I feel like I'm in 7th grade.
With lunch I had something called a "donut muffin" which was actually kind of delicious. Even though something like that is probably prohibited in the Old Testament.
Au bon pain has some sort of croissant/bread roll thingy right now that is pretty damn tasty. (Does not resemble bready croissants, FTR, which are a scourge upon the earth.)
Does not resemble bready croissants, FTR, which are a scourge upon the earth.
A wrong croissant is a very wrong thing. Now eating something called a "donut muffin" would amuse me and make me feel all whitey.
Double check what your paint is called too. I had to replace a side mirror and the dealer swore my model could not be the color it is. But scratches are pretty easy to blur. They are still there but you can make them way less visible pretty easy and cheap.
I have a teeny bottle of touch-up paint that I picked up at the auto-supply store. They had a reference book so I could get the correct shade (of white). Less than $5 if I remember correctly.
FTR, I'm slightly angry about working a full day today, but at least I'm not in the all-day meeting currently happening in the conference room with a bunch of higher-ups, so I may be here, but I'm not working much actually.
Related to not working, was it actually CSI where Kate Walsh played a translady? In my head it was definitely Law & Order, but apparently not!
It was actually CSI, Jesse. Ch-Ch-Changes S5.E8