Tino appears to have forgotten that a school is about the students, not the adults. Tino needs to figure that shit out if he wants to work at a school.
It sounds like it was a rough day for several people. Virtual hugs or (for non-hugging types) understanding smiles.
Yesterday, at day 1 of a 2 day training, I humiliated a Tino (favorite quote -- "Just because your title has the word expert in it doesn't make it true") and today, I kept my mouth shut while my coworkers derailed a presentation that was incompetent.
I love my department members.
My favorite Tino quote from today: “I’m not some wounded deer.”
No really.
I am going to Austin in October for the Austin City Limit Music Festival. Sure it is 5 months away, but I am scheduling extended me time.
Yay, msbelle!
Boo various and sundry Tinos (and worse).
yay msbelle!
Okay, I need help. I have 5 essays (8 pages) and I need someone other than me to read and edit. The essays have crazy rules (12 point font, not condensed, double spaced, .75 inch margins) plus a boatload of stuff to accomplish. Anyhow, would someone be willing to read and edit? I'm probably not going to revise for content, but I want to make sure it's all grammatically correct.
My favorite Tino quote from today: “I’m not some wounded deer.”
The interpretations are endless. He's... a wounded marmot? He's a perfectly healthy deer, thank you very much, possibly a caribou, let's not get hung up on labels? He's not just some wounded deer, he's a very specific wounded deer?
Given his zeal to deny his antlered nature, I shall henceforth be thinking of him as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rugops.
I can do it, Kat.
msbelle, Austin City Limits will be fantastic! I wish I could come with you.