Laura, your mom and you are lucky to have each other--such wise and caring women.
msbelle, everyone who knows you is lucky to have you--such understanding and perspective. I hope you can use those things to give yourself some love and support. You certainly deserve both those things.
tommy, thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Familiar faces! And a new one to match with a posting voice here!
1st step in being proactive - joined FB groups for 3 local Democratic Party groups. At least I might find like minded people.
I want to "like" msbelle's post. :)
I'm cramming food in my face because I need to be at the travel clinic in 30 minutes, and they told me to come with a full stomach in case of any reactions. Which sounds kind of ominous?
shrift, it may just be like "some people get all weird and fainty when they get shots, and you're less likely to do that if you have a decent blood sugar going on"?
msbelle, you are loved and adored, and I'm sorry that you're going through a rough patch. It might not help, but you should know that I would have never gotten through my move without you. I wish I was closer, but I'm only a phone call away. Much love to you.
Laura, I hope I have as much time with my parents as you've had with your mom. Being closer to mine was a huge factor in moving back.
And I'm happy, weirdly so. For the first time in 2+ years I have a home again.
connie, you and DH are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm still waiting to hear about whether or not I got the job for next year. This waiting is driving me crazy.
meara, I suspect you are right.
Other than getting the shots, that was kind of fun. My travel nurse was a hoot. I need to take an oral prescription for Typhoid before I leave, and I have prescriptions for malaria and altitude sickness while I'm there. Plus antibiotics just in case.
That's plenty of adulting for one day. Now I shall eat this chocolate-dipped almond macaroon.
I'm off to SLC again. This time I get in eay and will have kick around time. Not sure what to do.
I've been having thinky thoughts about my mom. She lived with us her last 11 years. Only the last 5ish were health challanged. Since she died, I have changed out a good chunk of furniture, have moved, and am finally considering a new car. The Mustang is great in the summer. It completely impractical the rest of the year. I know I'll have my memories but losing the physical reminders is rougher than I thought it would be.