Jury's back--driving and generally being out in the world? Suck and hurt. The art class? REALLY COOL. It was non-refundable anyway, so I figured I'd suffer for it (that levels you up artwise already, right?). The organisers were very nice-remembered someone had called about best parking for crutches and had saved me a seat where I could cotch my foot on a random coffee table (I got a sofa in a classroom, so WTF good?).
I need to work out a pain management plan for tomorrow and Sunday, though (4 more hours each day). It was getting distracting past the halfway point.
All this talk of wine has made me resolve to drink plenty of water today so that I can indulge in a glass of the cabernet sauvignon I bought last fall during a wine sale at the wine shop.
I'm glad you went to the class, ita!
Additional thousands of Good Stuff followers today, and I don't know why! Tumblr is a mystery, and the Activity screen is no help.
Someone with a lot of followers probably reblogged something, Jesse.
Yay art class!
Premier league soccer season's begun. I'm starting to get a bit fannish, bu I still haven't decided on a team. So far I've ruled out teams where players have bitten anyone else on the field this century, but that doesn't narrow it down all that much. I'm kinda leaning toward Arsenal the Spurs (post-research edit).
I'm glad art class was good, ita. I hope the next two days are not as painful.
Timelies all!
New pet sitter's supposed to show up at 11 so we can show her where everything is.(and maybe introduce her to a cat) Tonight is the Jimmy Buffet show. Whee!
Glad you went and enjoyed.
No portabello sandwich today. Sad. Thai curry is not the same (biscuit line was too long.)
Next up, pedicure.
Yay for good art class.
How many followers does Good Stuff have now, Jesse?
Ice cream for breakfast. I need to grocery shop today.
Jesse, interesting New Yorker article on treatment of people with dementia I stumbled across this morning. [link]
It's a few months old so you might have seen it already.