People in NYC go see the linked exhibit of totally kick ass origami. I wish I could.
Woo hoo! on Mac's big move from 8th chair to 1st chair trombone.
-t - as second chair flute - did you double on piccolo? My niece is 2nd chair flute and she does.
British bookies are having a blast imagining total Federer family domination of Wimbledon: singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, mixed doubles. In 20 years time no one not named Federer will win any majors.
You know, or something.
There should be a law that says on the first warm, sunny day of the year everyone gets to take off work.
Ha on the Federer explosion!
First chair played piccolo when we needed it, sumi. Not a frequent occurrence. I can't even remember her name or I would look her up, see if she's a professional musician now.
There should be a law that says on the first warm, sunny day of the year everyone gets to take off work.
A Chicago friend of mine posted on FB this morning: "I didn't have to wear a coat when I left the house today!"
I went to the grocery store this morning, and when I walked out of the store at 9 a.m., from the extreme air conditioning of the store into the already-warm air outside, with the heat amplified by the blacktop, I thought "Oh, thank god. It finally feels like summer!" I am thrilled! (Of course, I also had to cave and put the a/c on at home, not so much because of the temperature -- although it's supposed to be 89 here today -- but because my allergies are trying to kill me, and for some reason my entire street is mowing their lawns this morning, so I can't keep the windows open any more.)
There should be a law that says on the first warm, sunny day of the year everyone gets to take off work.
I've been saying that for years! (And said it again the other day....)
It was nice!
And given that I was wearing my winter coat on May Day - a bit surprising.
People in NYC go see the linked exhibit of totally kick ass origami.
Oh wow. I kind of wish I was still in Philly just now.
I want rhubarb. Growing up my mother had three awesome rhubarb plants in the back yard, and it appeared often in pie form on the dinner table. YUM.
Yum indeed. We had a bunch of it in the yard too. Mom canned it with strawberries so we had it all year. Good stuff.
The origami is stunning.
No coat for me other! Shocker, right? I really do need to get out the door and to the office!!!
It's a little chilly today, here. I didn't wear a coat, but kind of wanted one.