So, practical parenting advice needed. Can you steam open self-sealing envelopes? (The kind with the sticker you peel off, not the kind you lick.) Dylan wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy and I need to read it before it goes under his pillow.
A bit of Googling says no, but putting it into the freezer for a few hours might work. You might be able to just pull it open, depending on how good the adhesive is.
Odd names on the kids these days. There's a girl by the name of Chantal (phonetic), spelled Zont'l. Poor thing. And the new guy next to me, his name is Chalice.
Parents, express your creativity in ways that will not one day look at you and say "What were you thinking!"
Dylan wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy and I need to read it before it goes under his pillow.
Aw! (I have no advice.)
I am so close to finishing my stupid deadline of today! I am just waiting on one final thing from one person, and everything else is signed off on.
I'm just glad it's still light out, because 7 isn't actually that late to work, but it seems SUPER late when it's been dark for four hours already.
I work late every other Wednesday, so I'm here until about 10:00pm. I'm already wanting to go home. Feh.
Okay, well I was able to gently pry it open without tearing it, and he is asking the Tooth Fairy for a 3DS. Nice try, but no.
Actual answer ~ma, Sox. And treatment and so forth.
thanks you guys.
he is asking the Tooth Fairy for a 3DS.
Dude. Dylan, that's ... wow. Don't tell HPF. she's still got some teeth left.
I heard going rate around here is up to $5 and I said we're on the cheaper tooth fairy plan.
he is asking the Tooth Fairy for a 3DS. Nice try, but no.
Ha ha ha! That's amazing.
He's getting 3 dollar coins and a letter from the tooth fairy explaining that a 3DS is out of her price range.
(I'd consider it as a birthday present if the games weren't so expensive - $30 used on Craigslist!! Maybe he can sell me his iPod in exchange.)
Casper asked the "toofe fere" for $500 when she lost her first tooth (which "fel in a crak" in the windowsill). We speculated that the $500 was to compensate for her pain and suffering. She got a golden dollar coin.
How is D just losing his first tooth? Isn't he nearly 7?
How is D just losing his first tooth? Isn't he nearly 7?
Yeah, his baby teeth came in really late (he was toothless until he was a year old) so they're falling out late too. Mine were the same way.