It's a shame they're probably too young for Thurber's "The Night the Bed Fell on My Father." [link]
You could have one of the kids play the aunt who warded off imaginary burglars by throwing shoes down the hall.
I accidentally set the crockpot on Warm rather than High. (My old one's settings were Warm, Low, High. This one's are Low, High, Warm. I may be eating something else for dinner.)
So after months and years of answers to healthstuff that included "I don't know, sometimes this just happens" and "you worry too much," new!Doc seems to think oldEvilDoc missed a bunch of blinky signs and arrows pointing to hypothyroid, starting around HPF's birth. So we're trying some new stuff that might help. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time.
The things that get stuck in my head. The illustrations from the story (the aunt in her pitcher's stance, the headboard of the bed) popped up instantly when I saw the title of the story.
Actual answer ~ma, Sox. And treatment and so forth.
Timelies all!
Good luck with the treatment, Sox.
I had a 4 hour meeting, followed by a 45 minute meeting and I am physically done. All I want to do is go home and go to bed. I am not even joking.
I think if a meeting lasts longer than 2 hours, the organizers of the meeting should be put in shackles and publicly shamed.
I also need to receive a cash bonus.
Short of the above, I should be allowed to leave after 2.5 hours.
Hmmm, some department or office down the hall is getting a mini-fridge. Is breakroom chaos brewing? The Wars of the Fridges? The Skirmishes of Half The Microwaves Don't Work have already broken out.