Congratulations, Mac.
My mouth still hurts. I keep telling myself it is just sore from the work done yesterday but I'm scared there is something they missed and I'll need more work (other than finishing off the crown).
KCD is apparently doing well and might get discharged tomorrow. He is back to being his grumpy self, so that is a "good" sign. The docs put him on a nicotine patch while he is an inpatient. Hopefully that will be the first step toward quitting for him.
Because Sarah tolerance was out of print, and then a new one came out and ebooks and stuff?
Is "pour over" the same as "drip"? The instructions are irritatingly in slideshow form.
I haven't even tried Stumptown cold brew! It's been a goodly while since I've been to Portland and done the Stumptown pilgrimage...
You don't need to! Well, I mean, if you want the full Stumptown cafe, yes, but they have a booth at the Ferry Building Farmer's Market, and a whole slew of restaurants around here brew Stumptown.
w/r/t the iced coffee thing, I run warm water from the tap over the grounds, let that steep for a few hours on the counter, and then throw it in the fridge for a 24-hour steep. Less sour, not so much acid, and I can choose to have it concentrated or diluted with ice or goat's milk.
Funnily enough (to me, anyway) the part of iced coffee that poses the biggest obstacle to me is having some ice lying around. I just don't have room in my freezer for trays, given how infrequently I want ice.
Oh flea, I wish I were at my old desk! I had a ton of newer kids' books. But also, check out the Martha Speaks Read-Aloud Book Club? [link] It's multiple sessions to do at the library, but there might be some useful stuff for you there.
Heh, getting to the Ferry Building is almost as hard as getting Portland, lately.
I was out running an errand and saw not one but two people with tall wooden walking sticks. I also occasionally see strange people walking around with hiking poles.
I guess some people consider Chicago a foray into the wilderness?
Was one of them my dad?
Except he's in the actual wilderness (kind of) at the house. He just called me with a wildlife report (many turtles, a woodpecker he can't locate, and a chipmunk with a den under the porch. Plus the egrets and heron from the weekend.)
Eh, it's no weirder than driving an SUV in the city.