Hi folks!
Love that Scola provided you with tea, ita. Scola is indeed wonderful.
Hil, living in LA means being surrounded by people who are convinced that eating according to their particular ideological preferences will keep you healthy and make you live to 120. It can be crazy making, and I embrace the idea that eating a healthy diet can keep you healthier, I just don't think it can keep you alive for decades longer than you were gonna live elsewise.
My mantra for now is One More Week. I get through this week, school is done.
But I'm inspired by Jesse's jaunt to Lesotho, and I haven't been anywhere since Kenya, and that was near ten years ago. I'd have to start saving now.
Do it! Turkey is so great!
Jesse, pants for the interim? Uh, like that didn't occur to you.
It basically didn't occur to me because I basically don't have work pants. But maybe I do somewhere! Also, this kind of weather only lasts for about a minute here.
If you enjoy Call the Midwife and/or religious/beefcake jokes, I believe you will enjoy this: [link]
How does one cope without work pants? Then again, I'm not sure I could cope with a work environment that asked me to aspire to anything higher than office casual.
I only have a couple pairs of work pants (well, that fit and that don't need the hems to be fixed, etc). I have a LOT of work dresses. And two skirts that I don't remember the last time I wore. My issue is less the pants (or even skirts), it's finding tops that are nice enough to wear with them, but not so nice they have to be ironed/drycleaned. And look good on me. I feel like I have t-shirts that look good on me but work-appropriate tops mystify me.
Fancy day for me at the office is long pants. In the summer I will wear skirts, but they are the casual variety.
I'm not sure I could cope with a work environment that asked me to aspire to anything higher than office casual.
I'm certain I couldn't. I have two or three "bigwigs and/or clients" dresses that I can rotate in if I really need to, but the vast majority of my work-appropriate wardrobe is black or grey slacks from Old Navy.
(And shirts. I don't go to work topless.)
meara, maybe something like this? [link] It's essentially a t-shirt and goes in the washer and dryer, but with a little more styling and in a print is more dressy.
I wear both pants and skirts for work, and I like to iron so in summer I wear a lot of blouses. In winter it's t-shirts with sweaters, and I do wear t-shirts with cardigans (like right now! AIFG!) My work dress rules focus on looking professional but not at all sexy - if anything a little frumpy. High necklines, skirts mo more than an inch above the knee. But then, I got propositioned my first week on this job.
That list of pilots made me long for the days when the dead stayed dead.
I basically gave up on buying pants, because I find it such a hassle to find ones that fit all the places pants need to fit. (Relatedly, I decided not-quite-long-enough jeans are fine. I have become my mother!)
And dresses are so easy to wear! The whole outfit, all at once!