Salad in mason jars achievement unlocked. And taco meat for tomorrow's pot luck prepared (totally feels like a Community reference). Fennel stalks fed to happy bunnies (they look very contented and pleased with themselves). Bacon in the oven to eventually be incorporated into deviled eggs.
Impressively thoughtful gesture from Mr. Scola. Well done, sir.
I don't even know if Tom realised how impressed my sister was at his thoughtfulness. She's a bit protective of me, and she also knows my tea fixation (it's the first visit in forever she's not seen me with my own travel mug going international). The idea that you'd just come up with giving me tea...yeah, impressed.
Ugh, she's just asked me (amongst others) if I want to meet her in Turkey in July. Of course I
to, but who goes to Turkey for "a few days"? Maybe the same person who goes to Kenya for a few days, but I am paranoid that the cost is unjustifiable, never mind the amount the few days in NY took out of me.
Also, Tom wouldn't be able to give me tea.
Clearly, corners of the internet don't know that JazzFest trumps anything.
I decided to try making chili from scratch today, instead of using per-seasoned beans. Initial tasting suggests I really overdid the chili powder. All the ingredients are healthy, but I suspect it's gonna take a fair bit of sour cream to make it pallitable.
Tom was very thoughtful.
Bring Tom with you to Kenya. That solves one problem.
The whole "veganism will cure all your health problems!" thing really annoys me.
On the other hand, I would have no problem at ALL sticking to an all-Oreo diet.
I wholeheartedly agree that Tom is the best, as if there were ever any question about it.
No, I dislike all kinds of food that I cognitively know are good for me, like most green vegetables, since they taste seriously bitter.
And when you say they taste bitter, they just say you're fussy.
Go to Turkey. I'm pretty sure they have tea there.
Awww, thanks guys.
I was inspired by JZ, who once left me beer and cookies at the hotel for me when I arrived late after a long flight.
Aw, just like we used to leave for Santa. That's great.
These "BLT Deviled eggs" are a little bland (to be fair, I left off the L and the T, but they're just garnishes). I think mixing some tomato paste into the yolks next time might be a good idea.
Go to Turkey. I'm pretty sure they have tea there.
I've heard of Turkish Coffee, but Turkish Tea is not ringing any bells...