No bunny ears or fuzz, alas.
I am so sore. I spent an hour and a half grinding the remaining paint off of the front railing. My hands and arms were...thrumming. You know that sound and feel of thumping those red rubber playground/kickballs? Sort of a resonant and lasting bongzzz? Yes, that's what my hands did with every motion or touch. I swear I could hear the sound. It was like my arms from the elbows down were drunk.
And then I swam 2 miles. With my hands doing that and my forearms on fire. Needless to say, it was not a fast or consistent swim.
Scrubbed down the railing with denatured mineral oil, so they should be ready for paint in the morning. Unless it rains again.
Skinny asparagus with portos and shiitakes sauteed in shiraz for dinner.
My arms are still drunk and about as coordinated as a drunk.
tommy, your pictures make me happy. And glad I'm not closer because they all charm me and I want to cuddle them and that way leads to more litterboxes and Chez Sara is quite balanced right now. I get enough attention, they get enough attention...
(Loki is asleep on my lap and Pumpk is across an ankle...)
I am in a deep state of laziness. I worked on the house website much of the day and am done with productiveness.
Watching basketball and Big Bang, waiting for DH to get home, then I will switch to the Correspondent's Dinner. I like to have a pretty big buffer anyway to avoid commercials. Hoping for an entertaining event.
The kitty pictures are killing me! I know where I will get my next one, but I can't do it until probably September. I will be going to Otter Lake for the summer and don't want to try and move a cat around a lot after just a short time getting to know us.
I CAN'T SEE THE BREAKFAST PICTURE!!!! (Breakfast was great, and Scola is rightheaded about politics. Jessica is left-right-up-down-aroundheaded, and therefore cannot be trusted)
I am back home. I skimmed, and it seems Debet has her OTD, and all is right with the world of occupational therapy. You go, doc.
Other than that, I got nothing. I'm as tired and headachey (and hot!) as you'd imagine...
Welcome home, ita. The pictures were adorable.
Noah and Grace went to a birthday party at a Tae Kwon Do place. They both broke a wooden board (videos on facebook) which was fun for both of them.
Now we are watching hockey.
Having one of Those Days on Facebook -- someone I went to high school with is nominated for a Tony, and a grad school friend is at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, taking pictures with all the famous people!
Jessica, thanks for sharing those pictures! You all look lovely.
I'm watching the Warriors game and typing up comments for the webdesigner on my brother's website. This is a way more protracted process than I expected. Why can't people just pull my desires out of my brain and put it on the page? Whyfor do I have to EXPLAIN things?
In other news, I made pasta carbonara for the family, and opened a hella good bottle of zinfandel. NOM.