Feels like I have a lot planned: 5K tomorrow morning, meeting Shir at SFO, maybe Last Lovers Left Alive; I feel like cooking a bunch and it would be good to get a bunch of cleaning/rearranging done and it would be great to get some gardening in while the weather is nice. Right now I am super tired and don't want to do anything at all, so, we'll see how much of that actually happens.
Meanwhile, the rabbits new home has not arrived yet, but accessories have started showing up. One of which is a "cave" made of Timothy grass. Lucy and Ethel get a little house that they can eat. Lucky rabbits.
Got my performance review in the sense of getting the actual printed copy of the review, the one-on-one meeting to discuss will be next week, I guess. I haven't looked at it yet; too much Don't Wanna. Maybe tomorrow.
Ooh, maybe I will put some wine in the fridge for later.