Jesse, I thought you had already ordered a sofa?
Heh. You would have thought, right? I had 100% picked one to buy, and then saw one more I want to go sit in, and then there has been no good time to go since then. Someday I will have a new sofa! But that day may not be any time soon....
I hate hate car shopping. Then again I hate all shopping so maybe not a fair statement, but car shopping is near the top.
I should have mentioned that I make mine in a crockpot, rather than in a pan in the oven, and I only have 1 crockpot, so making more than 1 would be hard.
That makes sense. Have you seen the commercial that shows a 'great idea' where all the crock pots hook together for party time? Right, I am going to buy a few or ask my family to each buy one of the exact same pot. Don't think so.
I think I am going to be buying a car, too, Connie, and I am not looking forward to it. And I don't have Hubby to be big and knowledgeable! Also, why are all cars either 14,000 or 6,000. I have 4,000. I would make a down payment, and take a loan but my heart just hurts at something being 14,000 USED! Or, say $8,000, but have over 100,000 miles on it. I last bought a car in 1999 and I paid $8000 new!
I am so done with this week. And yet, two hours left to work.
I'm going on a local garden tour with some friends tomorrow. It's supposed to be sunny and mid-70s, which sounds perfect. It's heading up into the 80s next week, so I need to get out and about while it's still pleasant out.
The Kalamazoo thing didn't work out, so I'm back to haunting job postings in the Traverse City area (ideal) and Ann Arbor (also nice, but no lake). While I still like what I'm doing here and now, I kinda hope something comes through so I can get out of here before August. It's unlikely, but that's why I call it a hope and not a solid plan.
What are these 80 degree days you speak of?
Congratulations, Dr. Esse! Way to go!
Congrats, Dr. Esse!
It is so gorgeous, and my grandboss said to leave early, but I asked him to tell my direct boss that, and he said I was on my own there. Ah well.
PS: By "gorgeous," I mean nearly 70 and sunny, not this 80 craziness you people are talking about!