Oh, Suzi, I'm so sorry. It sounds frustrating to find yourself continually dealing with the things that made you nuts in the first place.
I have scored 23 papers in an hour. I have 13 more for this class and another 5 periods to go still. The difficulty is I'm using a rubric with about 18 categories that need to be scored in each category. It's tiring to spend more time thinking about this. Much easier to give it a holistic score. But I'm learning some cool things about the ideas in the paper that are drowned out by a lack of ability to use evidence and some crappy grammar.
In case you need a new webcomic to follow, The Mary Sue has you covered:
bookmarks page
This reminds me - I've been meaning to read
for a while, now.
Two other comics I adore that aren't mentioned on there are Unsounded and A Redtail's Dream.
ARTD is my newest favorite. The art is
and it's fun to see a story that's so immersed in Finnish culture and folklore.
ARTD is my newest favorite. The art is gorgeous, and it's fun to see a story that's so immersed in Finnish culture and folklore.
Ooooooooh! *runs to check out*
Suzi, B sounds much more together than KCD, at least. The man needs a keeper, clearly, and I'm glad it's not you.
I will not respond to a work email that is so wrong in its understanding of the situation with
I can't even.
I will not respond to a work email that is so wrong in its understanding of the situation with
I can't even.
I will not respond to a work email that is so wrong in its understanding of the situation with
I can't even.
Took me 45 minutes to get past banging my head on my wrist-rest to this.
Maybe it makes sense if you take the pills.
I went to Coney Island yesterday with my work team, and man, the Cyclone left me with some colorful bruises. Then I went out to dinner with some of my team and we got Venezuelan food. Plaintains and meat and beans and arepas and patacon on nom nom.
I'm at LaGuardia now and my flight's delayed.