I was just commiserating with my cousin about her parents' possessions -- we were comparing notes about clearing out my Mom's ("And she just had one little apartment!") My aunt and uncle have a huge country house (and in-law cabin) that is Stuffed To The Gills, plus they added all the salvage from the beach house.
Seriously, who needs nearly a dozen cookie sheets?
Anyway, it will be a rather intense chore when it finally comes around. sigh.
I still have a bunch of my mom's stuff that I don't necessarily want for me, but I just can't get rid of.
My mom just spent her entire summer letting her garden go to shit so she could spend every weekend moving grams out and getting the house emptied in order to sell it. And I think part of that process was fumigating it and a lot of burning.
She is now, in between still obsessively shopping at Goodwill and retrieving chaise lounges from the dump that she had given to a neighbor, starting to systematically purge the garage and barn, while trying to tame the garden.
I don't know how I'm so lazy with her work ethic when she's arthritic, diabetic, has two shitty knee replacements, high blood pressure, leg cramps, a crappy husband who wakes her up out of a deep sleep when she has a known problem with insomnia.
But, yeah, she's aware of the "stuff" problem and is trying to be good about it. She'll call me up and ask me about such and such, and I'll tell her to just close her eyes and stuff it in a black bag. Or, yes, I'll take it to give to the ed department. No, I haven't wanted that dollhouse for twentyfive years.
Yeah - my parents have the lake house and their 3 story house AND three story barn stuffed with random crap. Like my siblings and I need or even want 15 vintage/antique wagons.
Flew to NYC this morning. I took the subway uptown and spent a couple of hours at the Met. I only managed to see most of the first floor before closing time.
The Met takes days to do completely!
If you have a free afternoon, you should head up to the Museum of the City of New York. Very cool.
I won't the rest of this trip, but I'll make a note for the next time I'm in NYC. Which probably will be soon.
I miss New York so much. Philly just isn't the same. At all.
When my dad died, my bro an I were looking around the house, and we suddenly realized how much random shit there was. We decided that we would each take what we wanted, scan the pictures and share them, and estate sale the rest.
I love the Museum of the City of New York! And El Museo del Barrio across the street had a big renovation a few years ago.
On my way out tonight, I slammed my finger in the door. I am pleasantly surprised at how typing isn't so bad, given how swollen and bruised it is....
Obviously, my family is dealing with my grandmother's stuff now. She gave out a weird selection of stuff in the will, so there is a lot to figure out still. My mother and her siblings are going to do a first round of picking/negotiations, and then we'll all have further dealings with me and my cousins. Then we're selling/donating, and I guess the siblings will split the money? I honestly think the only place where there might be an issue is that my uncle insists he doesn't want any of the money.