ita !, there isn't that much canon (well, I guess 14 hours is kind of a lot. But it doesn't feel like that long?), so you can catch up pretty quickly. I need to watch Hannibal, eventually.
The cat! I forgot about the cat. Yes, a happy hovering cat would be great. There really are benefits to submitting to the will of the Town Council, and the Sheriff's Secret Police (I played an ep while my dad was in the car and he questioned why the sheriff's police would be secret), and Station Management (and the Hooded Figures, but we don't talk about them).
I am also about three episodes in on Night Vale, and think it's wonderful. I also think it sounds like a lot of stuff that my friends and I have come up with over the years, and why haven't we done a podcast yet, oh right, free time.
EVERYONE WATCH HANNIBAL. JOIN US. There may be snacks! Just don't ask what the snacks are made of.
Jilli, it is not on Netflix, and only the last 3 eps are on Hulu. I object.
Where do I find this Night Vale podcast? I get all my podcasts from iTunes, I'm sorry to say. It's just easier!
Also, Shrift has a great haircut!
I tried to make an appointment for a haircut because I have an interview on Wednesday, and my stylist texted back that she broke her leg last week and won't be cutting hair for a while. Yikes!
Jilli, it is not on Netflix, and only the last 3 eps are on Hulu. I object.
The full season is on Amazon Instant Video.
Welcome to Night Vale is available on iTunes. I've been listening to it on the bus rides home from work.
I don't think I'm willing to spend $2 and ep.
Nice cut, shrift!
A shoe store that closed up in the 1960s without getting rid of the inventory. Nobody's been in there for over 40 years. What amazes me is how many of those shoes you could wear today, with no comment at all. They look great!
That is AMAZING. I would be more interested in the actual shoes if I thought there were any chance they would have my size. (It's great now, but in the 80s I would literally ask to see everything in a size 10, and then filter for age-appropriateness.)
and the Hooded Figures, but we don't talk about them
If you see something, say nothing. And drink to forget.
Also my mother also thanks you a million for the massage today! It was real nice. Too bad there were transit shenanigans so we didn't have time for a drink after.