I like the reno on an island, because -- Buffista Island.
There are books for reading, and there are books for ogling.
I love my books like the kid loved the Velveteen Rabbit. But I saw a 15th century Book of Hours in UNC Chapel Hill's Wilson Library collection, and absolutely adored it. If I was super rich I'd have one library for reading and one for preserving and adoring from the other side of plexiglass.
When I love a book, I want to devour it or somehow have it devour me. I am not good with keepings books nice.
I am sort of like that with other things I really like, too. My first computer was a red imac, and I wanted to take it to bed with me like a teddy bear. Also my desk at my old job was so great I just wanted to roll around on top of it like a pig wallowing.
And everything is hours away from everything else!
Well, in big swathes of the state, yeah. But not in the Philly area.
Sophia, did you see the one beautiful house on that website that was in Sodus?
I don't understand how anyone can read in the bath. How do you turn the pages without getting the pages too wet to be readable?
Not that I have a comfortable tub I'd want to soak in much less read in, but I've never been able to manage it.
How do you turn the pages without getting the pages too wet to be readable?
No rule says your hands have to be wet. In fact, my rules say mine can't be.
If for some reason my hands get wet, I dry them on my hair...
I did see the lovely house. And affordable!
I keep a towel very close, since the hair thing is impossible.
I don't need a rule, it just happens. No matter how much I concentrate on keeping my hands and the book dry I cannot do it. Even keeping a towel within reach I can't do better than getting my hands damp rather than wet but still too watery to be turning pages.
Hee! I've done the hair thing too. But it's not really an issue unless you drop it. (Not recommended.)
I read in the tub, but I keep a hand towel next to the tub, and I'm just very careful. Haven't tried it with the Kindle yet, though.
I did see the lovely house. And affordable!
The thing about Sodus is that it's super cute, but it really is in the middle of nowhere, sadly.